

Organization and Partners


Organization: Hacettepe University (Turkey)

Hacettepe University (HU) is one of the oldest and leading universities in Turkey. HU began to operate as a hospital in Ankara in 1957. Education, research and public service activities started in 1958. HU expanded further in the course of time with the foundation of new departments and faculties on two campuses. HU continues its activities with 14 Faculties, 14 Institutes, 2 Applied Schools, 5 Vocational Schools, 1 Conservatory, 54 Research and Practice Centers. HU has more than 38.000 students and 3.500 faculty members. According strategic plan document, HU’s mission and vision statements are as follows: HU has a mission to train highly qualified individuals for the future of the country, and to supply its research, education and service outcomes for benefit of mankind through its scientific and aesthetic accumulation of knowledge under the light of universal values. HU has a vision to be a leading university with its education and research services, and art creation, of which all members are proud of being a member at the national and international level, contributing to the country’s efforts toward being a contemporary outstanding one.

HU has given priority to undergraduate and graduate education programs. HU, being loyal to its quality management philosophy, considers all teaching and research areas equally important. However, because of the composition of the university, emphasis has been given to certain research areas such as nanotechnologies, biotechnology, clean and renewable energy.

HU manages its activities regarding its teaching, research, and services to society according to its mission and goals as much as possible. HU also receives the benefit of certain opportunities in this respect. Hacettepe University is responsible for the administration of the European Union Education and Youth Programs at Hacettepe University and carries out the work in close collaboration with all academic and administrative units (

Within the framework of The Youth Programme, project creation training courses are being given and young participants are encouraged to create and join the projects.Our organization helps the youth to find a place in the society. We are recognized as a non formal education organization . So we help the youth to take initiatives, to experiment actions that increase their sense of responsibility, of citizenship and active participation in building up the society. We offer them a space of possibilities, through what they can develop their autonomy, their identity and involvement in it. We believe in the potential of each of them, regardless their backgrounds. Any project is an ideal opportunity to open their mind, get to know and understand the meaning of cultural diversity and intercultural by being involved in different kinds of activities.


Partner: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
Situated in Belgium, in the heart of Western Europe, KU Leuven has been a center of learning for nearly six centuries. Today, it is Belgium's largest university and, founded in 1425, one of the oldest and most renowned universities in Europe. As a leading European research university and co- founder of the League of European Research Universities (LERU), KU Leuven offers a wide variety of international Master’s programs, all supported by high-quality, innovative, interdisciplinary research. KU Leuven is also member of Coimbra Group and Venice International University. KU Leuven is one of the most innovative universities in the world. It's the only non-American university in the top 5 (2017). Since its founding, KU Leuven has been based in the city that shares its name. Leuven is a pleasant, safe and bustling student town, where centuries-rich history meets cutting-edge science. The university also offers degree programs at campuses in 10 Belgian cities over 14 campuses KU Leuven will be hosting over 56.418 students in the academic year 2018-2019. KU Leuven has Erasmus contracts with over 400 European universities and international contracts all over the world. 17% of the university's 57,000 students come from abroad, representing more than 160 countries. The university also works with a select number of top-level partner institutions worldwide, and stimulates powerful international mobility and intensive research cooperation. Internationalization is key in the policy of the university's new board.

Partner: Universita Degli Studi Di Perugia (Italy)
Situated in the center of Italy, the University of Perugia was founded in 1308. Today, research, education and consulting activities in the various disciplines are organized in 16 Departments, with about 23,500 students, 1,100 professors and researchers and 1,000 staff members. Most bachelor and master courses are offered in the city of Perugia, with branches in Assisi, Terni, Narni and Foligno. The University of Perugia offers a vast array of degree programs, which cover nearly all fields of study authorized by the national Ministry of Higher Education. The University's teaching faculty combines a long and solid tradition of excellence with a commitment to innovation and an interdisciplinary approach that ensures students the synergies needed for the acquisition of flexible educational training based on a mixture of skills and abilities. Post-graduate degrees are offered by specialization schools and doctoral programs, as well as through several master programs in various disciplines. All 17 PhD programs are international and share research projects with top Universities.

Partner: Chosun University (South Corea)
This year marks the 73rd anniversary of Chosun University. Chosun University was founded on the needs of the community and the foresight of the foundation associate in 1946. Chosun is using the knowledge and experience gained over the past 73 year to move forward towards a better, brighter future. Chosun University, one of the top 15 universities in the nation, has built sister relations with several outstanding foreign universities. The sister university programs have allowed for the exchange of professors and students which have added value to our community and creating global brand value. By bringing together the wide range of opinions and concerns of university members in a democratic and transparent way, university governance has ensured an environment of co- prosperity built upon respect and harmony. The future of the university and our community can be found in specialized education and encouraging pioneering leaders in new areas, while creating harmony between the humanities, arts, sciences and nature. It has over 30000 students, 800 academic and 400 administrative staff.

Partner: International Continence Society - ICS (United Kingdom)
The International Continence Society (ICS) is a UK registered charity with a global health focus which strives to improve the quality of life for people affected by urinary, bowel and pelvic floor disorders by advancing basic and clinical science through education, research, and advocacy. The strategic aim for the ICS is to be the global home of science and clinical education for LUTS, Incontinence and Pelvic Floor Disorders.

Since 1971 the ICS has led multi-disciplinary continence research and education on a worldwide scale through the ICS Annual Meeting and the Neurourology and Urodynamics Journal. The ICS also runs Educational courses all over the world in order to disseminate new knowledge. With over 3,000 members ICS is a thriving society of Urologists, Urogynaecologists, Physiotherapists, Nurses, Basic Scientists and Researchers with a focus on continence and pelvic floor disorders. The UK Office is based in Bristol and currently has 9 paid staff members and is governed by the Board of Trustees who represent the ICS membership by discipline and country. ICS is organizin world-wide training based activities in urologic and urogynecologic surgery. However, ICS establised ICS Institute for eLearning targets, and make a hub of education. ICS Institute consist of 12 schools established officialy yet. School of Modern Technology is one of this school that need to be improved and aim to modulate technology-based training curriculum. ICS has basement and staff to provide eLearning system and distance education. ICS has members from well-known academicians and training staff for training purposes. ICS has wide spectrum on health sciences, the organization of web-based training moduls, dissemination and creation well-designed curriculum will be the main expert fields in this project. ICS has ICS TV that will be used in this project as well.