School of Modern Technology: European Technology-Based Curriculum in Health Sciences is an European Union project which is approved and granted by European Commission in the form of an ERASMUS+ strategic partnership project, in the field of higher education, training and youth programme.
Five leading parties with high respect in the field of education are included in the project; Hacettepe University
(Turkey), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Universita Degli Studi Di Perugia (Italy), Chosun University (South Corea), International Continence Society - ICS (United Kingdom).
EuroSOMT Project Consists of 4 Intellectual Outcomes;
1) Production of patient-specific CT-reconstructed 3D printed surgical models with using patient/cadaver radiologic data and standard cadaveric surgical models
Leading Organization: Turkey
Participant Organization: Belgium
2) Creation of Virtual /Augmented Reality Models and International 3D Standardization of Models
Leading Organization: S.Korea
Participant Organization: Turkey
3) Establishment Appropriate Syllabus and Evaluation Forms for Students and Trainees
Leading Organization: Italy
Participant Organization: Turkey
4) Web-based Training Module/e-Learning Portal (Videos, Surgical Animation Films, Educational Material for 3D Modeling etc.) and Evaluation of Training Sessions
Leading Organization: International Continence Society - ICS
Participant Organization: Turkey
We take this oppurtinity to become worldwide in medical education. We believe that EuroSOMT will grow up by your support and participation.
You will be welcome to share our excitement, achivement and international visibility.